Friday, July 12, 2013

One Step At A Time 28

Dear Diary,

Sager called me today all excited and fired up

Sager: Fraai777! Do you trust me???? Bser3a bser3a jawbaayyy

Me: Eeeh eeeh I do, shelsaaalfaaa?

Sager: Jahzay jan6a feeha malabes enough for a couple of days, bensafer!

Me: and my mom shloun? and the tickets?

Sager: I took care of all of that, kalamt umech ou ekhty eb tyee weyana!

Me: Are you serious?!

Sager: Do I look like I'm kidding? Yallah rou7ay jahzay ashya2ech bser3a

Me: Enshallah

I quickly went and packed my stuff. I folded a couple of shirts and 2 pairs of jeans. That should do for a few days. I heard the bell ring and it was Sager waiting for me. I went to my mom and kissed her on her forehead. 

Mama: Deer balech 7beebti, and have fun

Me: Enshallah mama, thank you for everything 

Mama: I love you, you're always gonna be my baby you know that?

Me: And you're always gonna be my favorite person in the world, did YOU know that?

She gave me a tight hug and one last kiss, before I knew it I was in the car with Sager and we were off to the airport.

Me: Wain bnsafer? 

Sager: Dubai for the next couple of days 

Me: This is gonna be exciting

Sager: Yes it will, muahaha were alone... at last 

Me: yal sakheef sh'hal tha7ka? haha, enzain where's your sister?

Sager: al7eeeen ana elli 9ert sakheef haaa? mashi Farouu7 

Me: 6oul 3umrk sakheef

I gave him this lukewarm smile, shakakta eb 3umra 

Sager: ana a3almch

He suddenly stepped on the gas so hard, we almost reached 200 


Sager: Take it back! 


Sager: Ena ana sakheef


Sager: Say it like you mean it


Sager: Okay much better now

And he slowed down 
I started mumbling to myself, jesus. He was so reckless at times. 

Sager: What are you saying? I cant hear you

Me: Nothing nothing, but don't ever do that again! I almost pissed my pants 

Sager: That would be fun to see hahahah 

Me: Mara7 a3aleq, 3ashan latdous 

Sager: sha6oura

We made it to the airport in 10 minutes, unloaded the baggage and made our way to starbucks 3ala ma Shaikha came... 
Shaikha, Sager's sister joined us 30 minutes later, she seemed so happy 

Sager: I forgot to tell you guys, were going to David Guetta's concert 

Me: Are you serious!!! 


Sager: Ussshhh ga9raw 7eskum fetha7touna 

Shaikha: Thank you 9agour wallah!! This is week couldn't have gone any better! 

Me: Shme3na this week 3ad? 

Shaikha: I haven't told you? Next month is my last chemotherapy session, and Im done! No more cancer! I just have to get a check up every 3 months to see if it comes back.

               I was happy, don't get me wrong. I really was, but... I was slowly losing hope. Every time I consulted the doctor all I got was the same answer. 'No progress yet' 
               I mean that isn't normal right? I've been doing chemo for over 6 months, and still nothing? I decided to consult my doctor again and see what he has to say. There might be a chance of me getting a bone marrow transplant. I shook my head as trying to scatter these thoughts away. forget it all. 

Me: Im so happy for you! El7amdellaaahhhh! Aaalfff el7amdellaaah! 

Sager: We all are! Wnshallah yay dourch ba3ad

Me: I hope so, enshallah 

Shaikha: You guys our flight! They're boarding yallah khan rou7

       We picked up our purses and made our way to Gate 6. The flight went smooth, laughing and cracking jokes to kill time. We reached Dubai at there 6:00 pm local time. Dropped our luggage, and made our way to The Walk. It was za7ma full of Arab, probably here for the concert as well. I excused myself from Shaikha and Sager, asking them to go back to the hotel.

Shaikha: Ge3day!! maby ag3ad with Sagoor, he'll give me these life lessons

Sager: Life lessons that'll actually help you one day! you should thank me! 

Shaikha: sure *rolling eyes* 

Me: You guys, Im tired, I need to rest! Shaikha, you have an extra card to our room right? And Sager, the room next to us? 

Sager: Actually 2 rooms away

Me: That's okay, now if you'll excuse me... I'd like to have a hot bubble bath 

Sager: 3ala ra7tch, take care 

Me: Enshallah Sager

    He leaned in closer to me and whispered 

Sager: I love you 

Me: I love you too 

Shaikha: What are you guys mumbling to each other?? 

Sager: Entay sh'hal legafa? malech sheghel 

Me: Sager! Stop being mean 

Sager: Enzain yallah go back to the hotel gabel ma e9eer late, your gonna walk back to Jumeirah right?

Me: yeah 

Sager: deer balech 

Me: Enshallah 

I started walking towards our hotel, it wasn't that far away... 15 minutes by feet maybe? I felt a pair of strong hands on my shoulder. I turned around and couldn't believe it. The audacity!  


  1. Please post ASAP!!! I have been waiting so long. I love ur blog!!!

  2. Who tell me a blog similar than this one !?? ASAPP PLEASE!!!!!!!

  3. omg post asap!! this is soo good♡
