Monday, December 10, 2012

One Step At A Time 23

Dear Diary, 

The chemotherapy sessions kept coming, and my hair kept falling... I spent my days in the hospital with Shaikha making sure I don't bump into her brother Sager. Days, weeks, and almost a month passed by, and by that time. My hair all disappeared, it was just me and my bald head. I covered my head with a turban whenever I went out. It was too embarrassing to be seen like this. I looked too ugly, I had to ersem 7wajby al7een, so much for the days where they were thick and marsoumeen. Haha. Chick boom I woke up with my mom announcing that today was her Melcha/3ers... Was it that fast?!

Mama: Yallah ge3day mn el noum yal 7lwa, 3ersy elyoum! 

Life plans things in such unexpected ways, in such surprising ways. It's a jumble of irony. Rather than one of my sisters getting married, it's my mom. But that's what makes life beautiful, everything surprises you, it might be something good, it might be something bad, but at the end they both teach you something valuable in life. To cherish every second you go through.

Me: *Yawn* Yallah mama, kany al7een agoum just let me estaw3eb wats happening

Mama: Yallahhhhhh, its 1:00 ou we have to go to the Salon, we have a lot of things to do, hair, makeup etc. 

Mom paused for a second and realized that she said the word "hair" and well... I sort of don't have hair. 

Mama: Im so sorry 7beebti wallah ma kan qa9dy 

Me: Mom shfeech? Umbay tara wallah 3adi, why are you guys making a big deal about me not having hair, just imagine that I shaved it all off on my willing. 

Mama: 3shan agtlch 

And she started tickling me till I woke up and ran all the way to the bathroom 

We spent our day getting ready in the Salon, I of course finished the first seeing that there was no hair to be done, I sat there waiting for them, watching the women doing their hair into all kind of up do's. I envied them, but then started estaghfering raby, and e7meding him for all the ne3ams I have... 4 hours passed and FINALLY it was time for the 3ers. Me and my sisters helped mom with wearing her wedding gown, and put on the final touches. She looked, simply. Breathe taking. We had to leave mom for a while so we could salem 3ala the guests, and who did I see between the crowd of women dancing like gypsies? SHAIKHA! I couldn't believe my eyes, I went to her and gave her a hug mn wara 

Shaikha: Farah? What are you doing here?! 

Me: Its my mom's wedding! What are you doing here?!

Shaikha: Its my uncle's wedding! Omg the coincidence! Kuwait 7adha 9gheera! 

Me: Uffff 7aadhaaaa! 

Me and Shaikha, spent the next hour dancing and laughing... Up until they announced it was time for my mom to walk in, She slowly walked her way down the aisle, with over 200 pairs of eyes staring at her, analyzing her every move. She looked absolutely flawless, with her white skin and her dark brown hair, all up in a up do, showing her perfect collar bones. My eyes met her's and she was tearing up, and a tear escaped her eye. For once, I actually saw my mom crying... tears of joy. She made me start crying too, it was just too touching. A while later it was time for the men to walk in, The me3res aka Ahmed came in all handsome looking with his bisht, but no one caught my eye except Sager, he came in looking ever so manly, eyes seeda wela eltefat. I could feel the girls looking at him, and some of them started "accidentally" dropping there 3abayas, showing some cleavage, the cheapness... 

Mom had trouble with her dress, so I went up and helped her adjust it, Sager looked at me, eyes bulging. He then realized how hard he was staring at looked down... I really had to go to the loo so I made my way outside the ballroom and all the way to the bathroom. On my way, a guy was screaming a few meters away saying


I suddenly realized who that person was, it was my father! I ran my way towards him, spreading my arms trying to keep him from going in the ball room, he wasn't going to ruin my mom's day. He twisted my arm, and I cried in pain.


Sager grabbed him from his shirt and threw him on the wall, calling the security with the top of his lungs, his eyes raging from anger, his face as red as blood. The security took him with baba yelling and screaming barely on his feet, as always... he was drunk 

Sager: MNU HATHA!!!! 

Me: Sager hady, shfeek m3a9eb

I held his shoulder trying to calm him down, he suddenly realized how mad he was and slowly calmed down 

Sager: Im sorry, la ou ts2leeny ba3ad? Sheftay shloun maskech?! Mnu hatha mn9ejy farah, ou shnu kan yaby mnech?

Me: th-th-thats my father, or at least thats what written on my birth certificate, bss ana ma3teref eb wejouda 

Sager: Farah 3aib shhal kalam hatha ubouch 

Me: You don't know anything about him. Ma atsharaf eni asameeh ubouy 

Sager: Khala9 khala9, khan9ek el salfa... ta3alay entay shyaybech mny?

Me: Sheft the bride? 

Sager: Eeeh

Me: Hathy umy 

Sager: 7elfay?! Shakelha 9gheera, matshabhech! Ehya 7elwa, entay laish 6al3a chthy 3ouya hahahah 

Me: Ayal 7mar ana 3ouya, ma sheft nafsek ma3a wayhek m7asesny enta elli kelesh

Sager: A9lan ana jameeeeeel, mazyoouuuun... look 

And he started walking the cat walk walk, smiling and waving at the imaginary crowd

Me: weja3, ya sekhfek

Sager: ye3ni you can do it any better mathalan?

Me: Hell yes!

I started imitating his walk, I accidentally stepped on my 3abaya and it fell down, Sager quickly looked away. As I leaned down and took my 3abaya and put it on 

Sager: *whispering* jameela 

Me: Shnu gelt?

Sager: ga3d agoul, sheefa weye3yath bella 

Me: Malat ella malat

I walked my way back to the ballroom but Sager held my hand

Sager: Dgeega ne6ray 

Me: shtaby?

Sager: Lai hal daraja eehimich rayee? *raising his eyebrows in a teasing way* 

Me: Sheft lman there's no man on earth ella enta? 

Sager: yeah?

Me: Even then, rayek mara7 eehimny 

Sager: Enzain, tara you look beautiful. 

I blushed and walked my way to the ballroom completely ignoring the fact that he just complimented me. I found my mom and Ahmed dancing to the song Locked out of Heaven- Bruno Mars, seeing that everyone went home by now, we all joined in, dancing to the playlist I had on my iPod " Jam Time" 


  1. they dance in english songs in weddings fe kuwait??

    and the groom and bride actually dance??

  2. Amazinng chapter!! Keep up the good work

  3. god i fucking love yiou story, it is based on an english story mu9a7?

  4. Your story is amazing. M

  5. plz post i cant wait more!!
