Saturday, November 17, 2012

One Step at A Time 18

Dear Diary,

I woke up in a hospital bed. Trying to remember what happened yesterday, it all came back to me... There was this baby boy on a trolly, apparently he fainted and the sight of him was too heartbreaking. Then suddenly everything blacked out... What happened?

Dr: Hello Farah

Me: Hey, what happened?

Dr: You were found between the crowd on the floor. Do you have any diseases, disorders?

Me: Yeah, I have leukemia

The Dr's face suddenly changed expressions, it was the same face that everyone put on once I say I have leukemia. The "poor her, I feel sorry for her face". God, when will people look at me normally? Tara wallah 7ali mn 7alhum. 

Dr.: Oh Im sorry to hear that, may god be with you. Are you taking treatments? 

Me: its okay don't worry, yeah chemo therapy 

Dr: Okay, so your gonna stay here for the night so we can make sure, your blood pressure is stable. I have to go now, I got a patient found on the floor earlier today, apparently he got a asthma attack. 

Me: Goodluck on that, okay. 

I kept thinking over and over.... no. It couldn't be. There's no way. Or could it? I decided to walk around the hospital corridors, and I found him laying on the bed, with a respirator around his mouth. He looked pale. I decided to pass by quickly so he couldn't see me, since the door was wide open. 

Sager: Farah?

Dammit, it didn't work. Kela mn el drip they had next to me. I had to walk around with it. 

Me: Ummm, yeah?

Sager: Shda3wa matgouleen salamat?

Me: I think it goes both ways?

Sager looked at her. He just noticed the hospital clothes on her, and the drip rack walking around with her. He looked appalled. 

Sager: Farah? Shfeech?

Me: Nothing. 6e7t ghashyana 

Sager: Laissh????

Me: Haw shnu laish, bss, enta shfeek?

Sager: ahaaa, enshouf el nas gamat ts2al ou thtam?

Me: Ya thegel damek wai3, yalaitny ma se2alt

Sager: Hahahaha, mafeeny shay, bss ana feeny rabou, ou I get asthma attacks. Apparently wa7da 3adeemat 7sas shafatny 3al arth choking ou ma hamha. Meshat ou hadatny 

Guilt spread over every inch of my body like wild fire. I left him like this? B-b-buut its not my fault. I thought he was kidding? I thought it was one of his stupid pranks. I looked down ashamed.

Me: Im sorry, I thought you were playing one of your stupid pranks on me. 

Sager: shda3wa 3adi, gouleeli entay shlounch, do you faint often?

Me: Im okay, ummm... you can say so 

Sager: La2anech ma takleen sheftay nafsech 3a9aya! You look like a ghost. 

Ghost means I look dead. Haha, how ironic, Im gonna end up dead anyways. Akkh ya Sager if only you knew. 

Me: Agoul, 3adal 7altek el kaseefa, mashallah shouf nafsek awal 

Sager: Hahahaahaha, ana 3andy 3ether, entay ma3andech ya baba 

Me: Waaai3, esharha 3lay, madre laish radait 3laik blasas, Im gonna go to the arcade room, beats el ga3da ma3ak

Sager: ee7a9elech bss, farjay yallah farjay 

Me: Dream onnnnnn

I went to the arcade room I saw all sorts of sick people, mostly cancer patients just like myself. I looked at a kid just 4 years old, playing in the sand box. He had no hair whatsoever, and he was... happy. He captured my eye. A kid, younger than me in years, is happy. Even with everything going on in his life. Even with the pain he feels, even with struggles he's going through. I can see it in his eyes. He is a true fighter. I went up to him, and we started making a sand castle together. Turned out his name was Abdulwahab. 

Me: haa wahoob shrayek bl sand castle?

Wahab: Laman akbar basawy nafsa, bss mn cement, mama showed me how. Im gonna live there, and your going to live with me. You'll be the queen and I'll be the king. Nothing can hurt us. Its going to be our protecter. All the bad things out there can never come in, no one can take away my hair, can take away my body, my everything. I'll be the most hairiest guy alive. And I'll never shave, i'll be called Mr Hairy Man *laughing* 

I started laughing, the innocence in him, was... breathtaking. He was one beautiful little boy.