Saturday, September 15, 2012

One Step At A Time 3

Dear Diary,

I met up with her friends, Fatma, and Shamayel... They walked towards me all confident, looking beautiful. lets just say too much skin was showing. Apparently they just came back from a guy's apartment. I might be there friend and do shit like them, but I never put foot in a guy's apartment, I dont know how they do that.

Me: You guys look sexy, who was it this time? Hamad?

Shamayel: we know we are, la2 wai3, he doesnt know how to kiss... It was the hottie Khaled, and his friend Bader

Fatma: 6ab3an I took Bader, bss t9adgeen ham uhwa jameel

Me: ofcourse, you guys never choose ugly guys

We spent the day chilaxing eb starbucks Ra7al, ou smoking. Everyone stared at us, but honestly i loved the attention we got, whether attracting good or bad attention. It wouldnt make a difference to us. When we finished I went home that night, and got a call from a unknown number

Me: hello

..: Aloo, entay Farah El flany?

Me: eeeh, mnu m3ay

...: E7na el makhafer, we looked through your sisters' phone, ou you were the last number they called. I'd like you to tell your mother to report to makhfar al xxxx al7een.

Me: shelsalfa, laish?

....: bss khal umech tyee.

Ou he hung up, Diary, I was really scared, I knew that this day would eventually come, ena the police would e6ee7 3ala one of my sisters, they were so careless. I quickly told my mom, and we put on our 3abayas and went. It turned out the police were suspicious of my
two sister's lman they saw them driving carelessly in the car, they made them pull over, and they were drunk. My mama was pissed when she heard what had happened. She promised them that this will never happen, ou she would pay them 20,000 to just act like this never happened. They agreed, but the girls had to stay a night in jail for now. Mama had no choice but to say okay. They spend the night behind bars. When Shahad
& Noura (My sisters) came home the next day they got a hell of a zafa, but ofcourse, they couldnt care less, one of them was 22 ou the other one was 24, why would they give a shit? My phone started ringing and it was  Fatma, why would she be calling at 2 am in the morning? I answered the phone worried

Me: shfeech daga 3lay el sa3a 2

Fatma: ummm, Madre shloun agoulch

Me: goulay! ga3d tkhar3eeny

Fatma: well, ermmm, my cousin just called me and she told me she met a guy, ou theyve been going steady for the past few months.

Me: okay?

Fatma: well, that guy... umm... 6ela3, Aziz

I dropped the phone on the floor, I tried breathing but I couldnt inhale long breathes. Awal mara e9eer feeha chthy. I started breathing slowly, and steadly. Fatma on the other hand, kept calling my name through the phone but she got no reply. She closed the phone after 5 min worried. It feels like I had a mini heart attack. I pulled herself together and called Aziz.

Aziz: hey hun, shfeech daga hal 7aza?

Me: Aziz. answer this question. Maku buts, its either a yes or no. Are you cheating on me?

Aziz: What makes you think that? 7beebti ana a7bch

Me: CUT THE CRAP AZIZ! I KNOW ABOUT THE GIRL! ham t9er ena you love me, ou your not cheating on me? Oh no, you must be on the coldest people I know, shnu you bumped your head wela what? Thinking im not gonna find out, laa2 ou m9adeg chthbetek ba3ad. Allah m3ak bss

Aziz: tadreen shloun elsharha 3lay yal wa9kha! yebtlech hadaya, ou wanastech wntay chthy TFOU 3LAICH

Me: fuck your presents, you'll find them on the doorstep 3and baitk, so you can give it to that girl. Allah yhaneek.

And I slammed the phone on his face. I was angry, hurt, frustrated, confused. I felt like someone jabbed a knife through my chest. I looked through her closets and put everything Aziz got me in a pile, and put them in a bag. I decided that I would give it to him tomorrow, the faster I got rid of the stuff the better. Slowly taking of my clothes, I went and took a hot shower, the bruises found bruises on her legs, and red spots on her
skin, got my attention. I dont remember hitting my leg, or anything, I never got bruises this easily. The night passed by, and I sent the driver and dropped the shit 3and his house. I blocked him from whatsapp, so I sent him a message

Me: The things are at your doorstep. Take them, I dont want anything that reminds me of you

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